Welcome to the Scale With Speed podcast!

I’m Matt Manero and I’m Judge Graham. Welcome back. We’re in the studio. Again, episode two. Hope you guys enjoyed episode one. If you haven’t listened to it, just go back on YouTube or wherever you get your podcasts from and watch or listen to it. Give us a couple of likes. Tell us some comments, offer us some couple shares. Some shares would be nice. Tell your friends about it because on this podcast, our job is to help you scale with speed. The last episode we talked about how this concept of compressing time is so important. And when we were coming up with today’s topic, we thought that the next most important thing as well, if you, if you commit to scaling with speed in compressing time, then who’s doing what, right? Like who’s, who’s doing what within the organization. And so we’re talking today about how you set expectations for the organization and the people within it. And there’s so much to this judge. We work with so many business owners and through our own experiences of owning businesses and now working in these other businesses, we see it. It’s like if we went around and said to everybody on staff, write down what you’re in charge of today.

Yeah. Total deer in headlights or, or, uh, they would write down and it wouldn’t be aligned with what needs to get done, which is, which is almost worse. Right.

I think most people would be able to write one thing down. Yeah. But when, when we talk about this concept of expectations, I always love to use this example and you’ve seen me write it on the whiteboard 100 times. But if we have an eight hour day and everybody’s getting one hour for lunch, we’re left with seven workable hours, right? What are you doing for these seven hours? Let’s go ahead and time block. Let’s put a pie graph up there and let’s start a chart and time. And we’ll see how the one thing that you said you were going to do today, how much of those seven hours it will take. And then if we compress time, maybe instead of it taking three hours, it can take an hour and a half. Okay. Then I have seven minus an hour and a half to lose moving five and a half hours. What are you doing for the other five and a half?

Yeah. I mean, I look at it as a, I just recently started working out with my buddy. I sent you the pictures. Right. And I mean, the dude you’ve seen, he’s a beast he’s ripped up and everything and it’s no different than working out. It’s like, okay, well, what do you want your goal to be, to work out? Okay. And then what if you show up that morning, what are the, what’s the exercise? What’s the activity? What are the reps? And to complete it and get closer to the goal. And a lot of people just go to the gym, right? It doesn’t, they don’t have a plan and they just kind of, you know, pedal around and they think they worked out businesses the same way. Right? A B how are you managing your organization? What is the goal of the organization? And then how are you empowering your people against that plan to tell them, okay, here’s what we’re going to get done the day to get closer to them,

That goal dude, here’s what I hear. And the pushback on this topic. And we heard it so many times. I hear, um, well, that’s not the way I manage right, micromanagement, right? It’s a microbiome. I want my people to use their creative freedom and creative freedom, right? I don’t want to come across as a Dick. And here’s the deal, which, if you don’t understand the entrepreneur and small business owner of scaling with speed, you don’t get it. Your people want your shader shift.

They, they want to know they want the person. They helped me on my own mission. Loss kept putting on the road. Let me run whoever. So listen to this. Think about when you accomplish something. That feeling is even as simple as there’s a great, um, uh, amazing, uh, uh, Navy seal, uh, like kernel in, in the, uh, in the Navy, that’s even the right thing. And he gave this speech in one of the duties, like, just start the day, Make your bed. Yeah, man. That’s a famous speech, right? I mean, it’s so great, but it’s so true. It’s the same at work. Right? So take that, take a little thing. It’s saying, if you work out, you’re like, Oh, I accomplished something. If you cleaned up your room, your house, your desk, That feeling. Imagine if you had your team aligned every day with that level of purpose and with the activities that help the organization, but that gets accomplished.

So we were in the studio with XE and Ramsey, helping us on the recording and all that stuff. You guys can come over to a mic and jump in anytime you want on this topic, because you guys work here and you, some of what the judge and I talk about in this podcast, you guys might be saying, Oh shit, they are talking about me. So please feel free to come on over Mike. And for episode three, we go put a mic on you guys too. So you can jump on in and talk to us, but here’s especially Z bank. Cause he’s, he’s just, he’s always decency.

He’s got red high tops on camo pants, black shirt, diamonds on the wrist.

He’s looking at the fly. So there are five things that we, and the point of this podcast is to give everybody who’s listening. Very tactical stuff, always tactical. And we always finish with five. What we call Monday moments, the things that you can put on the ground on Monday, but here’s five things that we talked about. Five areas that your people are unclear about, because you haven’t said clean expectations. The first is they are unclear about what you expect of them. And everybody knows who the boss is. They know who signs the front of the check, and they want to make that person happy. They want security. Sure. But if you don’t tell them what they have to do to win, they are unclear. And that makes them nervous. It him super

Nervous, right? I mean, if, if you, uh, am I doing, am I doing my job? Well, am I doing too much shit? Should I communicate more? Should humanity be less? Or is this how it should be done, dude, help them lead them, show them what they need.

Totally. A number two, unclear about their levels of success. So not only do you have the to do list of expectations or however you want to outline it, but what does winning look like? Like here’s what you win the day by achieving here’s what happens to the client when you do your job? So well, here’s what happens to the company. Here’s what happens to our culture. Here’s what happens to our P and L and our balance sheet. Here’s why your success matters to this company, man. And we’re just not doing enough of that as business owners, because we don’t set the expectations. The other thing, number three is people are unclear of their daily activities of effort. They don’t know how hard they’re supposed to work. Listen, your salespeople don’t know how many calls they are supposed to.

It’s the most frustrating thing that we encounter. It burns the ships, right? How do you manage an effective salesperson? If you don’t know how to make it

Some successful? Yeah. You got to give them the roadmap.

I have to give them the roadmap. Here’s the right data list. Here’s the activity you need to do. You need to do this many calls, yield this many demos. This many demos you’ll have this many proposals. And on average, our proposal close rate is actually math.

We’re going to come back to this one again, judge. Cause I wanna, I want to talk about this. I hope I don’t sound like, you know, the grandpa walking uphill in the snow with no shoes when we talk about it. But number four is people are unclear about the tools they have to be successful within your organization. So many people think they have to come onboard and reinvent the wheel. Why? Because you’re not setting the expectations of no, no, no. We built a roadmap. Here’s the sales manual. Here’s the structure. Here’s how you sell. Here’s how you present. Here’s how you make a deck. Here’s the script. Here’s what you say. Here are the tools that our company has to make you succeed.

Matt, imagine, I mean, how much time is wasted over a year because the owners don’t take the time to figure that out. Up front. Yeah. Right? In this, this podcast in our belief system is, is around scale with speed. But if you can’t move fast effectively, if you don’t know your numbers, if you don’t have a plan, if you don’t have measurement, if you don’t have accountability, then speed is irrelevant because it’s haphazard.

So supposedly big guys here are just a couple examples of what we mean. When we talk about tools, sales material for your salespeople, do you have a way that your salespeople can present the products that your company sells and offers to the client? Dude, we, we talked to tons of business owners who have there’s nothing, right? There’s nothing like what we do on a website like text. No. How about the offer? Like the platinum program and the silver platinum and the gold program, right? I mean, tell me what I’m selling and give me material to go sell it. Right.

Well, more importantly, show me through testimonials of customers. So as a sales person, Hey, I’m not selling you. Let me show you how happy our customers are.

So let’s just keep knocking down on these tools because they’re so easy to implement and nobody’s doing it. We have the sales material, we have a piece of tech. Do we have the budget builder on the CFF website? It’s the simplest piece of tech that helps us close millions of dollars a year. It was an Excel document that we put some gooey on top of to make it look cool. And we use it all the time. What tech do you have by the way it does what you and I are so relentless about showing the customer how much money they will make by doing business with you. Right. Right.

Guys. Make or save or gain time or the value, whatever.

Yeah. Right. That’s a very good point. Yeah. It’s not always about making money, but yeah, no. So guys build a simple piece of tech that helps your sales people or anybody in their position, prove out the value of the client. We talked about this all time. Is your website like just this placeholder for information or is it actually alive and vibrant? And I’ve heard you say this before. You actually believe websites should be changed way more often than people think.

Yeah, I, you should be. Especially if you’re winning and growing. I mean, it’s, it’s an iterative thing. And what I mean by that is dude, as the market changes

Is your offer a product price level

Service may change. And you’ve got to pivot that to your website, right? A tech changes that it empowers you to be able to do things like you’re talking about. If you’re winning and you have great customer testimonials that need to be refreshed, right? It’s, it’s your biggest sales asset. And if it’s outdated, then you’re out.

How about, uh, as a tool? That’s the topic we’re talking about right now under these, under these five, um, where do you get video? Like if you know what your top five customer rebuttals are, did the owner record a video, addressing the rebuttal? Sure. Edit it up, make it look cool. And allow your salespeople to send it to the client. When they give the rebuttal, the price is too high. Mr. Jones. I understand that our conversation, that the price was too high. I wanted to send you a quick little video from an owner of our company, addressing your concerns. Hi there. This is Matt. I understand that. You’re thinking the price is too high. Let me tell you why it’s not. Yeah. How about a two minute video that you can use instead? What do they do? They don’t even know what to say. Yeah. Come on man.

Use some video to help overcome the rebuttals that your clients are giving and use video as a tool to help your people. Let’s go on to articles. Dude, are you writing anything or have you found articles that address issues within the marketplace that your company can take ownership of? We talk about it all the time. Moderately content thought leadership, somebody write some damn articles on five or six important topics in your industry and allow your salespeople to send them out. Right? Yeah. You know, I keep defaulting to the sales guys. I mean, I always thought of saying, listen, revenue, cures, everything in a business. Uh, two more tools here, buddy management assistance. Like, are you having a save the deal meeting? Will your manager get on the phone? Like in this marketing business? Um, you know, I was over there and one of the sales guys was on the phone with a guy that came to our burn, the ships of it. But our one, I said, put the gun phone, like now FaceTime, we jumped right in. And guess what we closed? The deal is management is ownership getting in the middle of it to help your people. It’s management, owning their networking. Holy shit. I forgot that. I knew that guy. I met that guy someplace else.

You hit something magic. That’s really important for everybody listening. If you own the business or running the business, let me be super clear on this. You care much more than anybody else. And there’s a high probability that you understand the business much better than anybody else. And you’re in a position to make decisions better than anybody else. Right? So you, you have to understand your place as the leader to know when it is appropriate to jump in, not to jump in. And ultimately don’t just assume that everybody else has the same passion and expertise that you do because they don’t without proper leadership without organization, without accountability and measurement.

Yeah. It’s like Mark Cuban said, somebody asked him and said, what do you do with all your free time? Now that you’re a billionaire. He’s like, what free time? It’s like, I’m busier more now than I am as a billionaire than I was when I wasn’t a billionaire. Right? Your job as the owner isn’t to do less. If you’re choosing to scale, your job is to get in the middle of it. Dude, get on the freaking front line,

Help and coach and teach and

All right. The last thing under tools that helps set expectations for everybody in the organization’s training. Like seriously, who are you listening to? Who are you reading? Who you’re watching and what are you, what are you driving your people? What path are you driving your people down from a training standpoint? Cause without real training, your people will most likely gravitate to their old training, which is why they aren’t working for that company anymore. And they probably didn’t perform all that well. And that’s why you find their ass on Craigslist. And you’re wondering, they’re failing. Then you wonder why they’re failing, but we don’t track reflection. It’s freaking crazy. All right. Number five on the five areas that your staff are unclear about. This is a huge one. Dude. I’ve experienced this countless times, unclear about their boundaries as an employee, but you just think they can run buckshot over ya, rough shot over ya.

They don’t know what their place is in the organization. You have a number one sales guy. Who’s a bull in a China shop and he thinks he can just walk around and treat everybody like he’s his shit. Doesn’t stink. Your people need to know what your expectations of them as an employee is. Hey dude, we don’t go see clients and fucking flip-flops. Sure. Right? Shave your ass. Put on a company shirt, wash the damn car. This is how it was just, we’re just working on some budget stuff. And we’re talking about travel budgets. And I said, uh, have we officially trained the new people who have come on board with us on how would I call to carry the bag? Great. Great. Yeah. I’d love that. Like D do they know how to like to rent a car, carry the bag, stay in a hotel commute. How many appointments do they need? Do they know how to freaking travel? They know what to carry the bag. Like, like there’s nothing better than seeing an aggressive sales guy who knows how to hit the road, you know?

Yeah. But you bring up a really good point, Matt, again, back to this idea, if you assume that’s the issue, right? You’re assuming they are versed in assuming that they know how to do this. They know how to travel. They know how to book it. They know how to, you know, not check a bag. They know how to compress time. They know how to hit the hotel. You know, in a radius of all the places they need to go to, they know how to, you know, hit the place. They’re going to eat all that because they, you know, and they also know the formula that they’ve got to hit 75 doors in order to get two deals to make that trip work. You know that, but do they know how to carry the bag? I think that is such a great analogy that could be used through any organization. And I would bet people listening to this, your people don’t know how to carry them.

Dude. I work for a guy. My early sales career, I worked for a guy. He was relentless to your expense account. Like he was brutal about where the company chose to allocate capital for you to go make more money. Yeah, dude, he trained us on how to carry the bag on how you do the introduction, how you hand the business card. He would train you on what pocket you would put the receiving business card. If you were at a networking event. If there were more than one of our company people at an event, he required us to sit at different tables. We could never sit at the same table. Smart. Right? You got six people at a table. Why would you have three from the same company?

But dude, he, he was afraid

Freakazoid about that stuff. That’s great. It taught you how to carry the damn thing. Yeah.

Yeah. But I want to hit on something. You were saying this, this frequency of winter, you may look at it and go, you know, I’m not going to be that crazy. You have to determine, are you happy? Where are you? Are you happy? Where are you financially? Are you happy with the way your business is run? If you want more, you have to do more. You gotta have that level of relentlessness. And I promise you, it may be painful for your people for the next three, four weeks. Until you get into that rhythm, you may lose some people, but dude, winners want to freaking win. Winners. Want discipline, winners want that euphoric feeling of dude. I know how to freaking carry the bag. And when I load that back up, I’m getting some sales, right? What, what’s your level of comfort?

So I think why all this matters in the topic of setting expectations is because someone might be listening and saying, Holy shit, these guys are telling me I’ve got to work 80 hours a week. And we want to be crystal clear about this. Yeah. There are times in the business where you should, but you won’t get your staff to work 80 hours a week. You’ll get your staff to work eight to five, whatever the hours of the operation are. And that is enough time. If you’re setting the right expectations,

The room leading and you’re leading it,

You’re managing it’s more than enough time for them to come in, get to work, leave your organization and go live fully fulfilled lives on their own. The reason that it goes on 24, seven, three 65 in chaos is because you don’t have expectations set for people. Yeah,

Totally. What am I doing? What’s the purpose? How does it affect the greater good of the organization?

So I wanted to just touch on this for a second, because there are so many tools that are available for people today that you and I didn’t have. This is what I meant by saying, I hope I don’t sound like the grandpa walking uphill in the snow barefoot. Right. But dude, I, commercial fleets started with a folding table, a folding chair, yellow pages and a phone, no computer in 1990 CRM. It was no CRM. Dude. I had a bot. I had like one pen and a notepad. Right.

And to make the story better, it was a shitty pen than other words, probably half, half the time.

But it was a shitty apartment too. Yeah. And I watched my car get repossessed from the, from the window in that shit. I mean, so the idea that people can have all these tools to be successful, that you, as the boss can, can apply expectations to them. And I just made a quick list for us to go through. But I mean, you got Google. You can find anything you want on fucking Google. You’ve got YouTube. You got support from your network, from your company, history, from your clients, from your management staff, you got it. Shit that’s available to, you have marketing support. You have networking connections, relationships that you go off of. You have the history of your company. And then hopefully you’ve got all these years of your experience to guide the person to not make the same mistakes you made. So I’m not trying to sound like my way was better, dude.

My way was hell. And you don’t have to go through that hell anymore. There are free tools everywhere that can make setting these expectations. So my, my expectation was did I get closer to a dollar bill today? Yeah. I brought this up, I had a, uh, um, like the cable guy just got a new roof right in there, they had to fix the satellite and the guy came over whatever. And he’s having to go through my house to check the TVs. And he says, do you mind if I ask you what you did?

There were 14 TVs in this house, two digits. There’s 20, I’m a bear. So,

So I kind of tell them just a little bit of a story and he’s like, Oh, he said, but, but I could never start a business cause I don’t have any money. Right. So you’re conditioning yourself. If you’re listening you have this and you have the ability, if you aren’t disabled to walk and door knock, that’s all I add. Right? So, you know, we should do a separate one is what is the grit you’re willing to put in? So depending on where you’re listening to this, if you’re about to start or you’re running a company, do you need that level of grit you would match articulating here is you don’t need a multimillion dollar automations and systems and things enough is available. You just got to freaking commit to it, build the plan, understand the math and be relentless to being a leader, be relentless to the expectation, be relentless to giving your people purpose and be relentless that you’re going to create an environment to win.

So I think that’s a beautiful segue, big guy, because, um, you were talking about setting expectations for the organization and your team members and your staff. But the reality is, you know, how do you recalibrate expectations for yourself? And dude, I, this, this was a huge miss for me in my life. I, no one set expectations for me. I was a sponge gritty sponge. And I allowed these shitty mentors that weren’t even mentors. They were just people who began to set expectations. Right? I’m thinking about this scenario, I’m trying to buy a property for my boys to go hunt on. And I’m S I said to myself, what would such and such have said to me, right. And such and such would have said, Oh, that’s a crazy investment right there. Don’t do that deal. And then I, then I was thinking, but huh, such and such, his kids hate his freaking ass.

They never come around. The house was a lonely old guy, but I took advice from him. It’s why at 51, I’m looking at doing this and why he didn’t do it at 31. Right. It’s also why I’m paying up for it at 51 when I could have paid on the cheap board at 31. Right. So, so how do we individually, like how have you set expectations for yourself for this success? How, how did you do you, can, can you articulate that process? Can you articulate that problem for me personally? I mean, do you, do you, like, how did you say I’m going to win?

Did I, I think a lot of it is driven, um, in your, your circumstance tutor situation. Like how, how, how bad do you not like your current situation. Right. And so when, when I was dead broke in the current situation I was in, that was the motivator. Right. I had a new wife and baby on the way in. I knew I had and wanted more for them in my life. And so that became a motivator. Right. And then back when we talk about all the time you’ve got to build that in game, but what do you want? Why do you want it? And when, and then you got to build the plan. And then I was just relentless against that plan. Did I, I didn’t, I didn’t care. I mean, you’ve seen me before in meetings and you’re like, did you, you need to calm down a little bit. I’m like, no, no, no enough.

Do we, we agreed. This is where we’re going.

This is what it takes to do that. Now, if you want to back off of that, then we can.

Yeah. But I think, I think you’re, you’re picking up the storyline at a low point, you know? I mean, I remember talking to one of your buddies from high school who came to burn the ships and, and he said, you were, you were then who you are now. Yeah. So like how, how, where do you connect this version? This expectation of winning that you had for yourself at this very early age? I mean, is it a DNA thing? Is it something that gets fed into us at the house? Is it, is it something where does somebody begin to set higher expectations for themselves? Because, you know, if you go from, if you go from broke to 20% above broke, that feels so much better than broke, but the mission is to go from broke to 10,000 times above bro. Right? How do we, how do we tap into that?

For me, I’m at a young age. I remember the first time I scored a touchdown right in, and I didn’t play football until I was like in eighth grade, right in. And I remember that feeling in the praise and the people jumping to my teammates and the people in the stands clapping in that feeling for me was the first time at a young age, it crystallized something I had never felt before. And I was like, fuck, I want this. And at that point forward that that feeling is my drug. So if I’m not constantly in that dopamine stage of, of, of winnings, no, but that’s how it is for me. Right. And so, and, and that’s why you’ll see, even in our relationship, when I, you know, I don’t always go off the handle, it’s coming from a place of, do I know what’s possible and got to win, and I’m not speaking to you. You were there with me and other things we do. It’s, it’s that feeling. Right? And so I think people have to go, dude, what, what feeling do you want? What do you want? And are you willing to do what it takes to get it?

Yeah. I liked that. The counter to that I think is how I look at it, looked at it was, it was what feeling I no longer wanted?

Right? Yeah. I’ve never looked at it that way.

[inaudible] says he’s a huge believer in low self esteem as a big motivator. Sometimes it’s a bigger motivator than the feeling of admiration. And for me, I no longer wanted to feel like a loser anymore. I no longer wanted to feel that I was behind. I just wanted to catch up. And I remember one guy telling me, he said, you’re fucked. I said, why is that? He said, because you never compare yourself down. You only compare yourself up. And he said, you’ll never be happy with that. And, um, I can’t remember the guy’s name who told me that he was some, some insurance guy who was trying to sell me something and, uh, he’s right. And you know, all these years later, it is the same vibe for me. I just always look, what’s next. What’s next? What’s next? Who’s got next.

Yeah. And you know, when I don’t, I don’t necessarily know if that’s bad. I mean, I think you have to balance in and reflect and, and, and be happy where you are in life and spirituality and family and all those things. But I don’t think it’s ever bad to continue to have a desire, to want more and to win. Well, I mean, look, man, if it’s not at the cost of, of your health and your family, and,

But there is a cost, there’s a trade and that’s it. And you hope that you get a little bit of luck in that regard, right. That maybe your spouse filled in the void when you were out winning. Yeah. Because I think what, what the other component, then we will, we’ll move to our Monday moment for everybody. But the other piece on this one dude, is that a lot of people have big expectations for themselves, but they just don’t know how to get there and do it. It is anything and everything to get there. Once you set the expectation, dude, you have to be a freaking freakazoid till you get there, right. A hundred percent, that’s it? Otherwise you gotta look at yourself in the mirror and say, Hey, you got to sacrifice, what do you want to sacrifice? You know, I was willing to sacrifice

Price, friends, partying, money, cars, all that shit. What, what do you do? You can’t have it all. At some point you can, if you,

If you make it to the top, but that journey on the way up, you can, we are not here to caution you. That what we’re saying is, is the only way to live in the, in the right way. But you are listening to a podcast called scale with speed, right? It was, it wasn’t say , scale slow. It was called scale speed. I mean, you want to, we want to compress time and you want to do some of this shit and you want to get to the next level, dude, you got to get this shit figured out, right? Our big let’s go to our Monday moments, the five tips to set expectations for your staff. Starting on Monday, the first that we created was to create job descriptions. Who does what? Clarity ownership, countability. Lots of what you do, dude. Yeah. Z you edit our videos.

Ramsey. You handle PPC. That’s how it works because what we’ve seen countless times. And I just saw recently in w w in the marketing business was when we began to outline what everyone was doing under our concept of the week of when the day was that we were three people doing the same damn thing what’s going on here, right? By the way, you said job descriptions, you change your hiring. Like, like you’re not hiring the Jack of all trades. You’re hiring the expert in that space. Number two. So you got to get those job descriptions done. Number two, map out the expectations of daily effort. How many calls is this office going to do? How many presentations are we going to make? How many client visits are we going to make? How many products are going to ship? Right? Tell people what the number is. And if you’re not currently happy with the result, you’re changing the number.

And then you’re going to have to change the effort. But right now, if you don’t know your numbers, how can you ever win? Number three of the Monday moments, do this shit on Monday. We’re promising you, you, you just do this stuff on Monday and by Friday, your organization will feel the change. Number three of this, remind everybody about the tools that your company has to be successful. And if you don’t get them, go get them, write a damn article this weekend and say, Hey guys, here’s something that might help you. When the customer says this, don’t get some testimonials. Yeah. And by the way, don’t write one article, sit your ass down, tell you why. If you’re working on Saturday or Sunday morning and right. Fucking five of them, you know, I mean, shit, you’re only talking a couple of hundred words a piece.

I mean, just sit down and do the work. Number four of your Monday moment, train your people daily. Dude, give them a concept. We played that video at a RP one the other day, in which it was a Cardone video and Perdome was talking about a one concept that you have to ask people in COVID is, are you going to be around in a year? Are you going to be around in five years? The answer should be yes. And yes. Good. Then let’s do this deal today. It’s just a short term blip on the radar screen. This thing called COVID, you’re going to be around next year. Right, sir. Good. Then let’s do this deal for them. Yeah. Right, right. Um, the second to last one, communicate with your staff daily. You refer to it as the nine one one meeting. Why don’t the companies that we work with do this.

Yeah. I, I don’t know. I think it’s a lack of, again, clarity of what the goal is of the company in the key initiative that needs to happen and then talking about it, right? I mean, this idea of scale was speed. If you’re not meeting with your team and you don’t know what they’re working on, how the hell do you know where you’re going? Right. I mean, literally if you’re not going okay, Z for the podcast where we’re changing out the visual, right? What we’re trying to get it up on Stitcher or whatever. We’re doing all the different things. You know, your team

Meeting with him to make sure

Things get done. So when you and I have the luxury of just walking in here and thank you all, which is amazing, we sit down and we just do this, right? Because there’s organization because there’s purpose because there’s accountabilities happening. They get it done. But most companies don’t don’t do it. Right? They don’t, they don’t meet frequently enough to talk about where we are winning? Where are we losing? And how can I help?

So, we put in a bonus for the Monday moments too. And I, I just, I guarantee you, this isn’t being done enough and you have to celebrate when a person meets the expectations, whether they’re huge, whether they’re up to your standards or they’re, they’re up to the standard of the day. You got to appreciate what they do. XE. You killed the last podcast, the graphic, the studio set up the way it was edited. It’s it’s you did an amazing job. I enjoyed watching those cuts. You did the full episode. We got the great intro. The outro. We have social cuts. The graphic looks awesome. Ramsey. I know you’re involved in it too. I mean, you, you crushed it now. I don’t know what the hell you did for the other rest of your day, but what you did with no, I’m only kidding.

I’m only kidding. All right. See, I know you’re busy. I’m only kidding. But the concept is man, when some, some people have existences, they may have a bad marriage, man. They got a kid who’s in trouble. They got, they got history in their own lives that they’re not happy about. Dude. Your environment can give them so much pride back. You know, they can, they can feel good about themselves because of what they achieve at work. And then maybe they got to go home to that deadbeat husband, whatever. But man, isn’t that the magic of entrepreneurship

Environment to, to win, right? Give, give them purpose and accomplishment. And we’ve got the money. She’d say we talk about these, right? I mean just on amazon.com money sheet, what are the six to eight things you’re going to do today to generate more revenue and you can help your team with this. Hey, what did we accomplish yesterday on your money sheet? Oh, why did you do this? You should work on this dude. This, this, this alone will get you so dialed in.

Yeah. And by the way, I should have celebrated the success. Cause we actually have a check coming from Amazon for [inaudible] of the money she tells. All right, listen, we appreciate you being with us. You took time, whatever you’re doing, you’re working out you’re you’re on the, in the car, whatever you’re doing to listen to scale with speed, it means that you want more. We’re going to give you one a scale and fast and therefore you’re a little bit unsettled. You’re a little unhappy. This is the purpose of the podcast. We’re going to give you the roadmap episode. By episode, we need a couple of things from you. Learn about burn. The ships go to burn the ships.com. If you really want to pour fuel on this scale with speed, come to our event. Next event is October 8th and ninth in Dallas. Burn the ships.com. Pick up the money. She’d pick up the judge’s book scale with speed, pick up mastering recurring revenue pickup. You need more money. Pick up the grit. They’re all on. Amazon hit the light button. Tell your friends about it. Write some comments for us.

We’ll see all down the road and as always make it happen.

SWS Podcast Matt Manero & Judge Graham